Loch Lomond is located in the Scottish town of Alexandria, directly on the lake of the same name. Hardly any other distillery in Scotland has earned the title 'unique' as much as Loch Lomond. The distillery not only has Pot Stills, but also a Coffey Still and Column Stills.
On 8 March 2024, you were able to taste the soft and malty-sweet creations LIVE with Ben Lüning and Loch Lomond Brandambassador Sebastian Büssing. The tasting was then held in English. However, you still have the opportunity to purchase this delicious compilation as a set. You can find the video of the live stream directly here in the article or on the Whisky.de YouTube channel.
Set with 1 bottle of 0.7 litres each:
Loch Lomond, 12 years, 46 % vol.
Loch Lomond Inchmoan, 12 years, 46 % vol.
Loch Lomond Inchmurrin, 12 years, 46 % vol.
Kommentar: Das war mein erster Loch Lomond und bestimmt nicht mein letzter!!!
Für den Preis ein sehr guter Allrounder. Mir hat er sehr gut geschmeckt, vor allem der leichte Rauch im Hintergrund.