In order to inform you to the best of our knowledge before you buy, we have indicated the estimated availability for each item in the shop. Our terms and conditions apply to delivery.
The item is in stock in larger quantities and will probably be available for order in the next few days to weeks.
low stock
Stock is low, so the item will be sold out in the next few days to weeks.
expected to be available from...
The item can be pre-ordered, however it is still on its way to our warehouse. Therefore, the final shipping date may be delayed. We will ship your entire order after all items have arrived. Alternatively, you can split your order into several orders.
currently out of stock
We currently have no stock of this item. It will most probably be available again in the next few days to weeks.
out of stock
The article is probably permanently out of stock.
available soon
This item will be available for order again soon. The goods will be delivered in the next few days to weeks.
All information given for the articles contains great uncertainties. We can hardly foresee short-term peaks in demand. The supply of the manufacturers via the network of wholesalers and intermediaries also harbours uncertainties and sometimes unintentionally incorrect information.
Kommentar: Da ist er endlich wieder. Der Rebel ist in dieser Form empfehlenswert. Ein solider Bourbon mit ordentlich Wumms, dank der 50 % ABV. Dennoch ist er im Grunde genommen ein recht einfacher Whiskey. Aroma: typisch Wheat und Bourbon, Geschmack: ordentlich Süß mit ein wenig Alkohol am Ende. Und der Abgang mittel mit herben Noten. Ok, 10 Jahre alt, langer Weg nach Europa..... und dann über 80 Euro? Ist er das Wert? Das muss jeder für sich entscheiden. 3 Sterne für einen soliden US Whiskey. (persönliche Meinung: mehr wie 45 Euro dürfte er nicht kosten)