Lg5 Sample Elements of Islay 3cl / 54.8%

Lg whiskies are known for their meaty style. Nosing it is like frying smoky bacon, while the palate gives you all the oily peat you would expect, balanced with a touch of sweet fruit. Not for the faint hearted but celebrating the true character of this classic distillery, Lg5 is everything we have come to expect from the Elements of Islay range – Islay in a bottle.

Lg whiskies are known for their meaty style. Nosing it is like frying smoky bacon, while the palate gives you all the oily peat you would expect, balanced with a touch of sweet fruit. Not for the faint hearted but celebrating the true character of this classic distillery, Lg5 is everything we have come to expect from the Elements of Islay range – Islay in a bottle.

Details zur Flasche Ändern
Schottland, Islay
Single Malt Whisky
0.03 l
Anderer Abfüller

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