
The Yamazaki Distiller’s Reserve has probably lived a better life than I have, and it’s an interesting blend of Yamazaki spirit. There’s “young talent” whisky, which has been matured in Bordeaux wine casks, alongside some Sherry casks whisky of around 20 years. It has also been blended with whisky from mizunara casks, which are made from Japanese oak – this wood has a very interesting effect on the whisky – bringing out all sorts of gentle coconut flavours. I always imagine Japanese distillers to be black-cloaked Zen masters of their art, and this sort of blending package does nothing to rob me of the image.

The Yamazaki Distiller’s Reserve has probably lived a better life than I have, and it’s an interesting blend of Yamazaki spirit. There’s “young talent” whisky, which has been matured in Bordeaux wine casks, alongside some Sherry casks whisky of around 20 years. It has also been blended with whisky from mizunara casks, which are made from Japanese oak – this wood has a very interesting effect on the whisky – bringing out all sorts of gentle coconut flavours. I always imagine Japanese distillers to be black-cloaked Zen masters of their art, and this sort of blending package does nothing to rob me of the image.

Details zur Flasche Ändern
Single Malt Whisky
0.7 l

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Aroma: Rosinen, Weihnachten, Früchte

Geschmack: nicht mild, Alkohol kommt durch, aber toller Geschmack, rund, fruchtig


Sehr schöner Whisky mit sehr gutem PLV