Pike Creek 10 Jahre Port

Pike Creek is a rarity among Canadian whiskies. Double distilled in small copper column stills the spirit is matured in first-use white oak bourbon barrels then finished in vintage port pipes. These port barrels imbue Pike Creek with undertones of fruitiness not unlike single malt scotch aged in port or sherry wood. The finished whisky is vaguely reminiscent of Forty Creek’s Portwood Reserve or Canadian Club Sherry Cask.

Nose: Mild fresh red fruit with overtones of dark fruit and spice, soft, baked nut loaf. Creamy and mouth-filling.

Palate: Sweet fruit, hints of toffee, lovely rising spiciness, ginger, pepper, tingling clean oak, and hints of pith.

Finish: Long glowing finish with dashes of cleansing citrus pith,

Pike Creek is a rarity among Canadian whiskies. Double distilled in small copper column stills the spirit is matured in first-use white oak bourbon barrels then finished in vintage port pipes. These port barrels imbue Pike Creek with undertones of fruitiness not unlike single malt scotch aged in port or sherry wood. The finished whisky is vaguely reminiscent of Forty Creek’s Portwood Reserve or Canadian Club Sherry Cask.

Nose: Mild fresh red fruit with overtones of dark fruit and spice, soft, baked nut loaf. Creamy and mouth-filling.

Palate: Sweet fruit, hints of toffee, lovely rising spiciness, ginger, pepper, tingling clean oak, and hints of pith.

Finish: Long glowing finish with dashes of cleansing citrus pith,

Details zur Flasche Ändern
Blended Whiskey
10 Jahre
0.75 l

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Aroma: süße Früchte, Gewürze (Pfeffer)

Geschmack: fruchtig, pfeffrig, Spuren von Karamell

Abgang: lang, Portwein-Finish

Kommentar: Pike Creek wurde im Herbst 2012 nach einigen Jahren wieder von Corby Spirit and Wine Limited angeboten. Small-Batch-Abfüllung