Brenne Cuvée Spéciale

An unusual dram from France, twice distilled in the copper alembic stills normally used in Cognac production. The Cognac theme is further continued in the whisky's aging process, as after a period of maturation in new Limousin oak barrels it is then finished in Cognac casks. The result is a single malt with intense notes of apricot, banana, rose, vanilla and bubblegum. One for those with a sweeter tooth.

An unusual dram from France, twice distilled in the copper alembic stills normally used in Cognac production. The Cognac theme is further continued in the whisky's aging process, as after a period of maturation in new Limousin oak barrels it is then finished in Cognac casks. The result is a single malt with intense notes of apricot, banana, rose, vanilla and bubblegum. One for those with a sweeter tooth.

Details zur Flasche Ändern
Single Malt Whisky
0.7 l
Limousin oak
Cognac casks

Bewertung dieser Flasche

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Erstellen Sie eine Geschmacksbewertung zu dieser Flasche:

Alle Geschmacksbewertungen

Aroma: Sweet Kaugummi, künstliche Banane Banana Zuckerwatte

Geschmack: Sweet scharf, Süßigkeiten Banana Grape Cognac Oak

Abgang: Banana Sweet Süßigkeiten

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