Glen Garioch Virgin Oak Sample

Released in 2013, this is the first ever release of a Glen Garioch whisky aged entirely in virgin North American oak. Scotch whisky has a history of using used barrels, be it sherry, bourbon or something else, as it is widely felt that new wood would overpower the delicate flavours. This is rich with notes of treacle, chocolate and orange.

Released in 2013, this is the first ever release of a Glen Garioch whisky aged entirely in virgin North American oak. Scotch whisky has a history of using used barrels, be it sherry, bourbon or something else, as it is widely felt that new wood would overpower the delicate flavours. This is rich with notes of treacle, chocolate and orange.

Details zur Flasche Ändern
Glen Garioch
Schottland, Highlands
Single Malt Whisky
0.03 l

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