Jameson Trilogy Gift Set 3x20cl 60cl

This beautifully designed set contains 200ml bottles of Jameson Original, Jameson Select Reserve and Jameson Gold Reserve
We blend our remarkable pot still whiskey with a delicate grain whiskey, allowing them to mature and inherit the nuttiness of our sherry casks balanced with the fragrant vanilla of our bourbon casks. Like all our whiskeys, Jameson Irish Whiskey is triple distilled and aged for a minimum of 4 years, making it as versatile as it is smooth. This is the timeless whiskey that turned our green bottle into an icon.

This beautifully designed set contains 200ml bottles of Jameson Original, Jameson Select Reserve and Jameson Gold Reserve
We blend our remarkable pot still whiskey with a delicate grain whiskey, allowing them to mature and inherit the nuttiness of our sherry casks balanced with the fragrant vanilla of our bourbon casks. Like all our whiskeys, Jameson Irish Whiskey is triple distilled and aged for a minimum of 4 years, making it as versatile as it is smooth. This is the timeless whiskey that turned our green bottle into an icon.

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