50 Jahre That Boutique-y Whisky Company - Blended Whisky #1 - Batch 5

The label on our Blended Whisky #1 is something of a metaphor. It’s a perfectly smooth sphere, free of any spikey bits - just like the whisky itself. Does the sphere taste like the excellent whisky? We don’t know. We only visualised what the sphere looked like in our minds as we were creating the whisky, for inspiration and that. We didn’t think to taste the sphere. Look, the yummy blended whisky probably tastes way better than the sphere anyway, stop focusing so much on the bloomin’ sphere!

The label on our Blended Whisky #1 is something of a metaphor. It’s a perfectly smooth sphere, free of any spikey bits - just like the whisky itself. Does the sphere taste like the excellent whisky? We don’t know. We only visualised what the sphere looked like in our minds as we were creating the whisky, for inspiration and that. We didn’t think to taste the sphere. Look, the yummy blended whisky probably tastes way better than the sphere anyway, stop focusing so much on the bloomin’ sphere!

Details zur Flasche Ändern
50 Jahre
0.5 l
2000 Flaschen

Erstellen Sie eine Geschmacksbewertung zu dieser Flasche:

Alle Geschmacksbewertungen

Aroma: Rich dark chocolate, polished leather, and walnut. Hints of mochaccino and Chinese salted dried plums.
(Reiche dunkle Schokolade, poliertes Leder und Walnuss. Hinweise auf Mochaccino und chinesische gesalzene getrocknete Pflaumen.)

Geschmack: Darkly decadent, it’s rich, thick, and coats the inside of your mouth with a subtle sweetness; treacle, and black cherry pipe tobacco, alongside velvet-like chocolate
(Dunkel dekadent, er ist reich, tief und bedeckt das Innere deines Mundes mit einer subtilen Süße; Sirup und schwarzer Kirschpfeifentabak, neben samtiger Schokolade)

Abgang: Black Forest Gâteau with a pinch of salt before the tannins start to dry the mouth. Glorious!
(Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte mit einer Prise Salz, bevor die Tannine beginnen, den Mund zu trocknen. Herrlich!

Kommentar: Original Tasting Notes des Abfüllers (mit deutscher Übersetzung)