Highland Park 30 years old Bott. 2005 Sample

Highland Park distillery is based in Kirkwall, Orkney. Highland Park happens to be the most northerly whisky distillery in Scotland.
The distillery was founded in 1798, presumably by Magnus Eunson. The name of this whisky does not refer to the area of Scotland known as The Highlands, from which Orkney is excluded, but rather to the fact that the distillery was founded on an area called ‘High Park’ distinguished from a lower area nearby.
Highland Park is one of the few distilleries to malt its own barley, using locally cut peat from Hobbister Moor. The peat is then mixed with heather before being used as fuel. The malt is peated to a level of 20 parts per million phenol and then mixed with unpeated malt produced on the Scottish mainland.

Highland Park distillery is based in Kirkwall, Orkney. Highland Park happens to be the most northerly whisky distillery in Scotland.
The distillery was founded in 1798, presumably by Magnus Eunson. The name of this whisky does not refer to the area of Scotland known as The Highlands, from which Orkney is excluded, but rather to the fact that the distillery was founded on an area called ‘High Park’ distinguished from a lower area nearby.
Highland Park is one of the few distilleries to malt its own barley, using locally cut peat from Hobbister Moor. The peat is then mixed with heather before being used as fuel. The malt is peated to a level of 20 parts per million phenol and then mixed with unpeated malt produced on the Scottish mainland.

Details zur Flasche Ändern
Highland Park
Schottland, Inseln
Single Malt Whisky
0.05 l

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