Bruichladdich 10 Jahre The Laddie Ten Sample

Bruichalddich's 10-year-old is an unpeated whisky from Islay. A complex whisky with notes of ginger, raisins, honey and wood spice.
A long-awaited whisky from Bruichladdich - a 10 year old comprising solely of unpeated spirit produced since Murray McDavid took over the distillery at the turn of the century. A landmark in their production and the beginning of a new age for the distillery. Notes of gingerbread, honey and sultanas.

Bruichalddich's 10-year-old is an unpeated whisky from Islay. A complex whisky with notes of ginger, raisins, honey and wood spice.
A long-awaited whisky from Bruichladdich - a 10 year old comprising solely of unpeated spirit produced since Murray McDavid took over the distillery at the turn of the century. A landmark in their production and the beginning of a new age for the distillery. Notes of gingerbread, honey and sultanas.

Details zur Flasche Ändern
Schottland, Islay
Single Malt Whisky
10 Jahre
0.03 l

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