Highland Park 12 Jahre Viking Honour Miniature

The heart and soul of Highland Park, VIKING HONOUR is a perfect harmony of aromatic smoky peat, sweet heather honey and rich fruit cake.
VIKING HONOUR reflects the unique culture of our remote island home here on Orkney. Part of Scotland yes, but originally belonging to a vast Viking kingdom. At Highland Park, we honour the spirit of our Viking ancestors, sharing their pride, integrity and fierce independence, and we distill our award-winning whisky to the same exacting standards introduced in 1798 by our founder, Magnus Eunson, a descendant of those early Viking settlers.

The heart and soul of Highland Park, VIKING HONOUR is a perfect harmony of aromatic smoky peat, sweet heather honey and rich fruit cake.
VIKING HONOUR reflects the unique culture of our remote island home here on Orkney. Part of Scotland yes, but originally belonging to a vast Viking kingdom. At Highland Park, we honour the spirit of our Viking ancestors, sharing their pride, integrity and fierce independence, and we distill our award-winning whisky to the same exacting standards introduced in 1798 by our founder, Magnus Eunson, a descendant of those early Viking settlers.

Details zur Flasche Ändern
Highland Park
Schottland, Inseln
Single Malt Whisky
12 Jahre
0.05 l
Sherry, Sherry Refill
Kühlfiltrierung - Ohne Farbstoff - Ohne

Bewertung dieser Flasche

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Aroma: Oak Peat Smoke (nur ein Hauch von Torf)Herbs Floral Sweet

Geschmack: Nuts Sherry Sweet Caramel Zitrus (Hauch)Spices (diskret) Honey (angedeutet)
cremig-süffig. Easy drinkable, nicht besonders komplex

Abgang: knapp mittellang, trockener werdend

Kommentar: Gutes PLV, schöner "Einsteiger"-Single Malt mit guter 12yo-Reifung
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